‘Words without thoughts never to heaven go’
(Writer | Shakespeare)
A series of published articles that explore the people, projects and places that bring our cities to life.
Triumph Over Disaster | Walumba Elders Centre Ageing graciously — a celebration of life. The Walumba Elder’s Centre reframes our societal constructs of aged care, from the all too frequent place of isolation and depression towards a central role in the community.

City Business | New Economics Today’s cities require new ways of seeing as they face rapid change and increased complexity. Like living organisms, cities must continually evolve and adapt to survive, so they need metrics that address the issues of today to truly capture value for tomorrow.

Social Cinema | The Raj Mandir Cinemas play an integral role in our cities, showcasing films that serve as a ‘barometer of the times’. Jaipur’s Raj Mandir single screen cinema, with its neon tagline “Showplace of the Nation – Experience the Excellence”, is as dreamlike as the Bollywood movies it screens daily.

Architecture of Opportunity | Ponte Tower Jo’burg’s sky-high tower of dreams. Nestled in Hillbrow, one of the densest urban area in South Africa, its walls have witnessed great triumph and tragedy since emerging in the mid-1970s — echoing a sad past, but resilient future.

Parks & Recreation | The Temple of Heaven Beijing’s Temple of Heaven is an eloquent expression of an urban park’s life. At the heart of the city, it’s a sanctuary for the city’s 21 million residents, as skyscrapers tower from all sides over a proportionately small patch of green.

Around the Block with Vannessa Marion | Groove Therapy Part casting agency, part dance studio, part social enterprise – we explore how Groove Therapy’s co-founder uses her skills to inspire positive change within the community and empower our most vulnerable.

The Life Aquatic | Waterfront Precincts How Hiroshima, Rotterdam and Brisbane are reclaiming their waterfronts and turning their eyes to the water’s edge.

Brisvegas | A New World City? After decades of feeling like Australia’s third city, Brisbane has been forced to consider its relationship with itself, Australia and the rest of the world. As a ‘New World City’, Brisbane is embracing its committment to the knowledge economy and an alignment with Asia, both culturally and economically.

The Spaces Between | Portland Japanese Garden Expansion During times of political uncertainty visits to gardens and cultural institutions increase exponentially. We speak to Kengo Kuma Architects about why third spaces are as important as work and home.

Purpose Conference | Media Wrap-up A celebration of purpose-driven businesses coming together to interact and learn in a meaningful, lasting way during Purpose 2017.